Health and Wellbeing

What is a Health and Wellbeing Coach?

Health and Wellbeing Coaches are part of General Practice team, they can help with

  • Providing coaching support to help you manage your condition
  • Working with you to identify your health and wellbeing goals
  • Improving physical health and wellbeing
  • Improve negative emotions and low mood
  • Increase motivation and confidence 
  • Lower stress levels
  • Signposting you to helpful resources and peer support groups. 


Our Health & Well-Being Coach will support you to transform your health and wellbeing. Together through a series of one-to-one sessions you will learn to develop the tools and strategies you need to cope well in the face of difficulty.

What is a Social Prescriber?

Social Prescribers are part of General Practice team, they can help with

  • Helping you to lower stress levels through guidance, specialist advice & helpful resources.
  • Helping you to tackle loneliness and isolation through signposting you to peer support groups and local activities.
  • Offering bespoke and personalised advice on managing your finances, benefits, reducing debt and making referrals and applications to services.
  • Topics you might discuss are attendance allowance, mobility, housing support, energy coverage, job seekers allowance and personal independence allowance.

 Through one or more sessions, our Social Prescriber will support you to learn, develop understanding, build resilience and tackle those life issues that are affecting your Health & Well-Being and your ability to cope.

“Your present circumstances don’t determine where you go, they simply determine where you start. You can always do something today that your future self with be grateful for”.

Cleo Whitehead, Health & Well-Being Coach 2023

“The Video Content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of a clinician, GP or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have heard or seen in these videos”.